According to news source Channel News Asia, a Singaporean court found the first defendant guilty on Tuesday in the country’s largest-ever money laundering case.
Assets worth $2.2 billion have been seized or frozen in this case. According to the report, defendant Su Wenqiang has not yet received a sentence despite admitting to 11 charges of money laundering and receiving funds from illicit remote gaming.
According to the Straits Times, he received a 13-month prison sentence. Reuters unverified the reports, and the attorney general’s chambers did not promptly answer an inquiry for confirmation.
Su, one of ten foreign nationals with multiple citizenships detained in Singapore during simultaneous raids in August of last year, has passports from China, Cambodia, and Vanuatu.
The raids took S$1 billion ($739.37 million) worth of luxury residences, automobiles, gold bars, handbags, and jewelry, attracting considerable attention locally and opening new tabs .A Singapore court on Tuesday convicted the first defendant in its biggest-ever money laundering case,
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